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2011 April agenda

Park and Recreation Commission Meeting

April 19, 2011 at 6:45pm

5 Broad Street (Senior Center).



Meeting Called to Order


Approval of March minutes


Juli Potter – discussion and vote on food eco program at Leslie’s Retreat Park

Aaron Katz, Callie Lipton, Matt Caruso – discussion and vote on use of Common for "Holistic Festival"

Dan Shuman – Summer Bike race- discussion and vote on use of Common for Bike race

Claude Pelletier – Discussion and vote for permission to allow a tree donation

Bill Laganus – Discussion and vote on Concession at Golf course

Applications for rentals

Salem Community Gardens – discussion and vote on yard sale at Common

Finance Report

Golf-Witch House-Meters-Winter Island – review revenue monthly reports

Capital Projects – update on capital projects, requests for 2012 Capitol

Superintendent’s Report

Recreation Booklet – update on mailing and programs

Parks & Facility

Playgrounds – update on Pickman Park playground build status

Winter Island Master Plan Committee – update on status

Olde Salem Greens fees – discussion and vote on 2011 rates

Winter Island – update on reservations

Seasonal workers – discussion and vote for seasonal pay rates

Camp Naumkeag RFP – update and vote on Camp Naumkeag submission

Golf concession – discussion and vote on concession vendor

Golf Superintendants position – update on posting for position

Swings at Forest River Park – plan to purchase new set

Old Business

New Business

Executive Session – Concession at Willows old bathhouse

Adjournment Next Meeting May 17, 2011

Douglas J. Bollen

Director Park, Recreation & Community Services  



Know Your Rights under the Open Meeting Law M.G.L. c. 39 §23B and

City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033. 







Doug Bollen


Park, Recreation & Community Services

5 Broad Street

Salem, MA  01970


fax 978-744-7225

Facebook  site for Park, Recreation & Community Services